One morning in Adelaide, I decided to take a long walk to the airport. I'm getting a little, erm, more stout, so I thought I'd combine a photo adventure with a bit of exercise. Also, the airport's closer than you might think. In fact, the end of the runway is on the other side of a fence next to the skate park.
I intended to get magazine-worthy shots of majestic airplanes taking off. But I failed to check the wind direction, and it was a Sunday morning. So, there were not many planes at all, and they were landing at my end of the runway instead of taking off.
Well, I got a walk in, right?

Oh, but there's more! On my way home, I practically tripped over a vintage car show in a park on the edge of town! When life slams a window shut, a door opens somewhere. Or something.
Now, I’m no gearhead— my automotive expertise extends about as far as knowing that the round things are called “wheels,” and they go, well, ‘round—but I surely do appreciate the design aspects of vintage cars.

In fact, this short story isn't even going to lead anywhere. It's really just here to give me an excuse to post a bunch of car pictures. You could stop reading right now and not miss anything substantive.

The grassy field was a veritable smorgasbord of automotive history. Actually, it was a smorgasbord of Chevrolets. And primarily Chevrolets from the '40s, '50s, and ‘60s. So less of a smorgasbord, really, and more of an afternoon snack.
This led me to two possible conclusions. Either this was a Chevy fan club gathering, or Chevy had somehow managed to sell a car to every living soul in Australia during those decades.

Among the sea of mid-century Chevys, there were a few outliers that caught my eye. A handful of Model Whatevers and a smattering of hot rods from the ‘70s. And a single lowrider, sitting there like a sulking teenager who had been dragged to a family reunion, defiantly different and infinitely cooler than its more uptight cousins. But it made me wonder—how many lowriders are even in Australia?

I may never know what was going on that day—my command of the Australian language remains somewhat tenuous—but it was a great consolation prize for not getting any great shots of airplanes!

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