This statue in Budapest kills me.
Hermin Beniczky was basically the Susan B. Anthony of Hungary. Pushed boundaries like nobody's business, advocating for women's education when “woman” and “education” together in a sentence was the set up for a joke. “Women? In school? But who will churn our butter?”

She worked for decades in the mid- to late 1800s advocating for women’s rights and founded the National Women’s Education Association. She fought long and hard for women to be recognized for their minds, not marriages.
So they honored her with a statue. On which they identify her first and foremost as “Mrs. Paul Veres” (Veres Pálné).

Dang. How do you marginalize a symbol of empowerment? Hungary nailed it! All that work and the plaque makes it seem like her biggest accomplishment was getting married! But at least she has a statue, right?
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